
I am a Graphic Designer and Photographer who has worked in varying roles in design, print and media industries since 1997.

I have designed for printeries, studios, newspapers, councils and freelance and worked as a News Photographer. Photography is a skill I incorporate into many design jobs, but is also a passion and my artwork has featured in 18 solo and group exhibitions in Australia and overseas.



I mostly photograph nature and its infinite forms, hoping these images will inspire a deeper respect in viewers, a respect which the complexity of society has overshadowed. I create affordable art, using recycled materials most of the time.

I have sold 45+ photographic images with specially tailored frames to private collections throughout Australia, UK and Italy, and varied businesses on the east coast of NSW, Australia.


Published images include:
‘Angel of Water’, taken at Protesters Falls, Nthn NSW was selected nationally and published in the RAW (Regional Australian Women’s) Diary 2001, an annual

‘Helicopter tandem’, a photograph of an SES helicopter taken from another rescue
helicopter was published in the 2002 Northern Star Calendar. News, sports and
entertainment photographs published daily in The Northern Star  2002-2003

‘Save the River Red Gums’, a photograph of volunteers of The Wilderness Society
campaigning for the protection of River Red Gums on the Murray River was
published in Wild magazine in late 2008.

‘Give Nature a Voice’, article and photographs about the struggle to save the Upper
Florentine and other areas of ancient forests in Tasmania was published in Virgins’            Verve members magazine in April 2009.

Various photos documenting forest destruction and protests published from 2008-2013     in The Mercury, Hobart and in various reports and publications written by Still Wild             Still Threatened and Huon Valley Environment Centre.

Solo Exhibitions
2017            ArtHouse                            open house, Yamba
2011            Then & Now                       Nourish Café, Hobart
2007            A Natural Fascination         The Nelson Gallery, Brighton, UK
2004            Strange & Beautiful            Bar Room Bar, Soho, London, UK
2004            Strange & Beautiful            Café Iguana, Reading, UK
2001            Freak of Nature                  Restaurant Castalia, Yamba
2001            Freak of Nature                  The Upstairs Gallery, Lismore
1999            Sights & Surrounds            Grafton Regional Gallery, Grafton

Group Exhibitions
2014            Art from Trash                    Long Gallery, Salamanca, Hobart
2012            Weld Echo                         Long Gallery, Salamanca, Hobart
2011            Weld Echo                         Long Gallery, Salamanca, Hobart
2010            Weld Echo                         Long Gallery, Salamanca, Hobart
2009            Treesitters                          Church Studio Franklin, Franklin
2009            Be My Florentine                The Polish Club, Hobart
2004            Winging It Again                 Rogues Gallery, Reading, UK
2003            phe-MALE                          CPC Photography Centre, Byron Bay
2002/03       ph-AINTING                       CPC Photography Centre, Byron Bay
2002            ph-ART                              CPC Photography Centre, Byron Bay
2002            Erotica Delights                  Artmix Studio Gallery, Byron Bay


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